




Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI is a field of computer engineering that aims to provide machines with capabilities that would otherwise require human thinking.




Machine Learning (ML):

Machine learning is an approach where computers learn from data and can improve themselves without explicit programming.




Natural Language Processing (NLP):

NLP is the technology that enables computers to understand and interpret human language.







Neural Networks:

Neural networks are computer models that are designed after the human brain to recognize patterns in data.




Deep Learning:

Deep Learning is an advanced method of machine learning that uses particularly deep layered neural networks to identify complex patterns in large sets of data.


Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT):

GPT is an advanced AI model that specializes in generating human-like texts by being pre-trained on a comprehensive set of language data.





Training and Fine-Tuning:

During training, an AI model learns from general data, and during fine-tuning, it adjusts to specific tasks or specific data to deliver better results.


Ethik und Bias in KI:

Ethik betrachtet die moralischen Aspekte und Auswirkungen der KI, während Bias die unbeabsichtigten Vorurteile beschreibt, die in KI-Systemen auftreten können.




Prompt Engineering:

Prompt Engineering ist der Prozess des Entwerfens und Optimierens von Anweisungen (Prompts), um von einem KI- System spezifische und präzise Antworten oder Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Es ist entscheidend beim Einsatz von Modellen wie GPT, um die gewünschten Outputs zu erzielen.





Assistive Technology:

Assistive technology encompasses systems and tools that have been developed to support people with various types of disabilities. In AI, this often refers to systems that use speech recognition, text-to-speech, and other interactive functions to improve accessibility.


Transfer Learning:

Transfer Learning is an approach in machine learning where a model developed for one task is adapted and reused for another, but related task. This accelerates the learning process and improves the model's efficiency on new tasks.


Data Mining:

Data Mining is the process of analyzing large datasets to discover patterns and relationships. It is a key element in many AI applications as it helps to extract insights and information from large volumes of data.





Reinforcement Learning:

In reinforcement learning, a model learns through rewards and punishments. It is often used in situations where an agent needs to learn how to make optimal decisions by interacting with its environment.


Algorithmic Fairness:

Algorithmic fairness refers to the efforts to ensure that AI systems deliver results that are free from discrimination or unfair biases against certain groups or individuals.


AI Governance:

AI Governance refers to the rules, policies, and practices that determine how AI systems are developed, deployed, and monitored responsibly and ethically.


Want to learn more about AI? You can learn a lot about it in our Workshops!🚀